Misclassification as an Independent Contractor
California Independent Contractor Attorneys
You signed on as an independent contractor for a reason. Maybe you needed the flexibility. Maybe you wanted to work for more than one company at a time. Maybe you want to control the amount you can earn in a year.
Unfortunately, though, the classification as an independent contractor is often abused by companies that see them as a way to avoid paying overtime premiums, health insurance, and employer taxes. By keeping you on the job, but off their payroll, employers can save substantially. But when they control your workday and prevent you from seeking additional contracts, with other clients, they are violating your rights as an independent contractor.
With offices in Los Angeles County, Marlin & Saltzman is a preeminent employment law and consumer class action law firm specializing in litigation in California and across the United States.
If you are an independent contractor who has lost control of your independence or never really had it, contact us to discuss your circumstances. Even if your contract stipulates your working conditions, you may still have a legitimate claim for damages.